carolina | amora carolina | amora

Ecofeminist ways of knowing

Mythic knowledge, symbols, metaphors, dreams and imagination can align and compliment scientific knowledge, in the same way folklore, storytelling and spirituality have always been key to our sense-making of both nature and culture. Modernity has distanced us from recognising our interconnectedness and the responsibility to engage in the practice of visioning and listening in order to co-design systems that are less organised by dominating power structures and instead fuelled by possibilities and life. From the plurality of our complex and paradoxical bodies of knowledge we can find both the humility and power to remember that the world is alive in stunning, creative, magical ways. So what realities will we dare to imagine?

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carolina | amora carolina | amora

is it time to un-brand?

What have you outgrown in the last couple of years? What needs to be released or re-framed in your brand and business practice?

Services that no longer light you up; relationships that are now out of alignment; systems that disregard your values; metrics that disrespect your wellbeing?

And a personal favourite: what aspects of the overculture* – that collective energy that attempts to numb our truest creative expression – are you willing to renounce?

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carolina | amora carolina | amora

what parts of your service are you withholding?

Every now and then I notice the voice of the collective unconscious more loudly. Usually it’s a resonating theme that keeps coming up in meaningful conversations with different clients and friends. It’s as if we were all tapping into a similar thread, speaking the same inner language at one particular time.

This month, the theme that’s coming up sounds something like this:

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carolina | amora carolina | amora

the art of doing your heart's work

I’ve held the hand of hundreds of women as they birthed their businesses and creative projects into the world. I've seen the amount of sweat, tears, beauty and courage that it takes to materialise our visions and create a piece of the world we wish to see.

And... to claim that little piece as your own.

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carolina | amora carolina | amora

design for sustainability

A couple of years ago in a Yoga class, I received a life lesson that I'll never forget. I was going through a tough time in my business and the yoga teacher offered wisdom that I realised could be used in all areas of my life.

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“and you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may have never realised you had.”– Audre Lorde