what parts of your service are you withholding?
Every now and then I notice the voice of the collective unconscious speaking more loudly.
Usually it’s a resonating theme that keeps coming up in meaningful conversations with different clients and friends.It’s as if we were all tapping into a similar thread, speaking the same inner language at one particular time.
This month, the theme that’s coming up sounds something like this:
“I can no longer hold back and be ambivalent about what I’m here to share. My community (and the planet) needs what I have to offer.”
In the last decade working with women I’ve witnessed this desire before. But the difference – and what makes me want to write about it now – is that this time the conversation feels much more grounded and mature.
There’s a sense of urgency but there’s no rush.
We want to show up more fully not because we want more visibility, but because when the fruit of our inner work is ripe, sharing our leadership is a Natural response.
Leadership in 2022 is not about you or me, it’s the contribution we make in (re)generating our collective experience on the planet.
The reason we can’t withhold our service anymore is because we’re collectively creating legacy.
If you knew how much light and inspiration you personally shine upon us, you wouldn't feel a drop of hesitation in sharing the full extent of your medicine and truth.
Prompts & practices to refine our Service
Whatever ‘legacy’ and ‘leadership’ looks and feels like for you – as modest or as mighty as you choose, I've curate some practical and compassionate prompts to help us refine.
Ps - ‘Compassionate’ because the last thing we need now is the internalised patriarchal voice to be louder than the creations that are wanting to be born through us. The inner oppressor will never be satisfied. So be loyal to your wild heart. That's revolutionary in itself.
Journaling prompts
What’s mine to do? What’s mine to say?
If I strip back to basics, what do I want to share more than anything else?
Am I holding back out of fear/perfectionism OR do I still need to gain more clarity?
How’s my business serving my community?
How’s my business serving me?
When I connect the dots in my story, what does the thread lead me to?
What is excess and what is essential when I set my own standards?
How can I safely identify and expand my edges?
How can I make my work more beautiful? And then more beautiful again?
“Thread is the circuit of meaning within chaos.” Kim Krans
“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground”. John O'Donohue
If you’re interested in exploring the expression of your Service, get in touch to learn more about my Creative Mentoring and Identity Design offerings. I’d love to help you to translate your vision into beauty.
Carolina x